Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wharfies Long Lunch 29/6/11 (Photo booth charity event for Variety)

Hi Rupert and Natasha,

A HUGE thank you for donating the photo booths for our Wharfies event yesterday! The day was a great success and just doing the final count now but looks like we raised a lot this year!

I’m glad we put them undercover in the end as it rained twice. The booths were a hit (especially after a few drinks) J Thank you for putting the pictures on Facebook for us.

As I mentioned to you yesterday afternoon Rupert, I made sure our photographer got some good shots of the booths, people in them etc. As soon as I get them from him I’ll send them through to you

You have been a pleasure to work with and would love to work with you again. We have a couple more events this year where we would love to use the photo booth. I’m happy to send through more details if you’re interested and we can of course give you a tax deductible receipt again

Thanks again and talk soon



Grace Proust

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